General English
We offer courses for people who wish to learn English for general, cultural or practical purposes. The courses encourage learners to bring their own knowledge and experience to the classroom and utilize this information during the process of learning. A wide range of activities are used to help students develop their English language skills with the majority focusing on real communication activities.
Business English
Communication is the most crucial ingredient in business today. Whether you are trying to make or reply, to a complaint, sell a product or service, request action or information, good communication is essential. Poorly written documents, garbled phone messages or long winded speeches give a bad impression of you and your business.
We have a number of Business English courses to provide practicing business people, or business students, with the skills they need to succeed. The courses provide a thorough analysis of English structures and skills in business situations to help you communicate efficiently and effectively in the business environment.
English for Young Learners
We cater for three age groups: 8-10, 11-13 and 14-16 years old. The courses are designed for young learners who are currently studying in English medium schools and wish to improve their level and quality of English to a higher standard.
8-10 years and 11-13 years old
These are topic and skills based courses which will improve students speaking power in a wide variety of enjoyable activities and will allow them to engage actively with the language arising from the topics. The course provides thorough coverage of key vocabulary, functions, structure and skills.
14-16 years old
This course is essentially a general English course with study skill elements. The course is also designed to support and assist students’ current English language studies.
English for Academic Studies
We have developed this course for students who are either planning education in a country where English is the first language, or are preparing to continue their education at a more advanced level where the knowledge and use of English will play a significant role in their academic performance. The course looks at a variety of skills necessary for success in an academic environment; memory techniques, descriptive writing, argumentative writing, reading for gist and comprehension, seminar discussion and sentences structures to name a few.
Tailor Made Courses
Different industries, companies and individuals have different needs. We have therefore developed a range of options to meet them. Following an initial interview and discussion a needs analysis is administered to generate a package tailored to cover the skills your staff needs, and pitched at their level to maximize learning. Schedules are arranged for mutual convenience and training can be conducted at your premises at our center.